
What Should You Consider When Placing Bulk Orders for Jumbo Bags?

FIBC (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container) bags made from woven polypropylene fabric, placed in a warehouse setting.

In the world of packaging, jumbo bags have emerged as the unsung heroes, especially for businesses that deal with bulk materials.

Having been in the packaging industry for many years, I’ve been at the forefront of this packaging revolution. But what should one consider when placing bulk orders for these bags?

The key lies in understanding the specific needs of your products and ensuring the jumbo bags align with those requirements. From the type of material you’re storing to the environmental conditions, every factor plays a crucial role.

Why Are Jumbo Bags So Popular?

Jumbo bags, also known as bulk bags, container bags and FIBC, are not just spacious; they’re also incredibly durable.

They’re ideal for transporting and storing large quantities of products, especially for chemical, fertilizer, agricultural goods and cement for screeds, concrete and other applications. Their versatility is unmatched, making them a favourite among businesses that prioritize efficiency and safety.

What Material Will You Store?

Before placing an order, it’s essential to determine the type of material you’ll be storing.

Different materials have varied requirements.

For instance, chemicals might need bags with specific linings to prevent reactions, while food items might require bags that offer better aeration.

How Will the Bags Be Handled?

Consider the logistics. Will these bags be lifted by forklifts or cranes?

The design of the bag, especially the loops and handles, should cater to your handling methods.

What’s the Ideal Size and Capacity?

One size doesn’t fit all, especially in the world of jumbo bags. Depending on the volume of the material, you’ll need to choose bags that can comfortably accommodate your products without any spillage or damage.

Customization is the Name of the Game

Every brand is unique, and so are its requirements. Whether it’s the color, print, or size, customization can make a world of difference.

Environmental Considerations

If your storage area is exposed to external elements like sunlight or moisture, you’ll need bags that can withstand these conditions. UV-resistant and waterproof bags might be the way to go.


Ordering jumbo bags in bulk is not just about quantity; it’s about quality, customization, and understanding your product’s unique requirements.

At ProPackia, we’re here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your products are packaged in the best possible manner.

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